Bunions (or bunionettes in the case of the pinky toe) are toe deformities characterized by bony growths and tendon imbalances that push the toes together. While such toe deformities have a hereditary component, they are also exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting shoes like high heels.
Read MoreThe ankle consists of a complex arrangement of bones, ligaments, and other tissues. The considerable stress that the average foot absorbs with each step can cause repetitive stress injuries like hairline fractures. Since ankle pain can radiate from other parts of the foot, you should consult with our Valley Stream Podiatry Foot Doctor to be sure you get the correct diagnosis and treatment.
Read MoreWhat is a hammertoe? The hammertoe deformity is characterized by an abnormal bending that usually affects one or more of the middle toes at the middle joint. While the tendency to develop toe deformities has a hereditary influence, this tendency can be exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting shoes like high heels that cause extreme pressure on the front of the foot.
Read MoreNovember is American Diabetes Month.
It’s an excellent time to remember that taking proper care of your feet is something we should all pay more attention to, which is especially true for patients who have diabetes.
Read MoreExcessive pressure and rubbing from your footwear can cause painful blisters to develop on your feet.
Read MoreSYMPTOMS OF COMMON TOENAIL PROBLEMS - Changing in the color and texture of your toenails can is an early warning sign of toenail problems. Early treatment can help you avoid some of the more undesirable outcomes. Fungal toenail infections can develop slowly and often don't cause any serious issues in the beginning and may go unnoticed.
Read MoreDue to the extra pressure and often moist environment inside your shoes, painful blisters are a common ailment that can affect your feet. Moisture and rubbing on the insides of your shoes irritate the skin causing redness, swelling, and the appearance of fluid under the skin as your body responds to the irritation.
Read MoreGout is a painful arthritic inflammation that often affects the large joints of the ankle and big toe, especially as you get older. The condition is precipitated by an excessive buildup of uric acid in the blood. While having some uric acid in your blood is normal, when the level gets too high, the acid can crystallize out of the blood and into the joints of your extremities, causing severe swelling, pain, and discomfort.
Read MoreThe foot condition called tarsal tunnel syndrome is very similar to the more well-known wrist problem known as carpal tunnel syndrome. In each condition, a nerve is compressed by injury or disease-causing numbness, tingling, and shooting pain. In the case of tarsal tunnel syndrome, the compression affects the posterior tibial nerve that runs through the ankle area and into the foot. Having diabetes, arthritis, flat feet, or a foot or ankle injury can make you more susceptible to developing tarsal tunnel trouble.
Read MoreSince the peripheral nerve damage that often occurs in patients who have diabetes can disrupt the normal sense of feeling in your feet, even minor injuries like scrapes and blisters can go undetected and quickly progress to a problematic infection. So take good care of your feet and be sure to bring any foot or ankle difficulties to the attention of your podiatrist to help avoid future complications, including possible amputation.
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