Why Does My Ankle Hurt

Why Does My Ankle Hurt - ankle pain treatment podiatrist in valley stream, ny

The ankle consists of a complex arrangement of bones, ligaments, and other tissues. The considerable stress that the average foot absorbs with each step can cause repetitive stress injuries like hairline fractures. Since ankle pain can radiate from other parts of the foot, you should consult with our Valley Stream Podiatry Foot Doctor to be sure you get the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Some of the more common causes of ankle pain and discomfort include the following:

  • Ankle sprains: This is a very common injury that often happens unexpectedly through tripping or falling.

  • Tendonitis: Injuring the Achilles tendon and other tendons in the foot can lead to ankle pain.

  • Gout: This is a painful joint disease caused by excess uric acid in the blood.

  • Plantar fasciitis: This condition affects the arch and heel and often radiates pain to the ankle.

  • Arthritis: Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are the most common. They cause joint pain and stiffness, with the ankle joints frequently being affected.

Many foot and ankle injuries are initially treated with the RICE protocol which consists of the following :

  1. Rest: Resting the foot and taking the weight off until the damage can be assessed.

  2. Icing: Applying ice or cold packs for ten to fifteen minutes several times a day.

  3. Compression: Wrap the ankle with a compression bandage to immobilize and reduce swelling.

  4. Elevation: While lying on your back, place the affected foot on a pillow to raise it above your heart level. This will speed healing and help reduce swelling.

Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen in moderation to help reduce pain and swelling.

Even a minor ankle sprain can be quite painful. If swelling and pain do not reduce significantly in the first few hours of resting, you may have a serious injury that requires treatment from our foot and ankle doctors.

Contact Valley stream Podiatry located at 66 West Merrick Road, Valley Stream, NY. With access to state of the art treatments and technologies, Dr. Andrew Shapiro, Dr. Michael Barkin and Dr. Sajni Shah can help you manage all of your foot and ankle conditions including heel pain, ankle sprains, bunions, fungal toenails, ingrown nails, and plantar warts.

Your feet and ankles deserve the best, call (516) 825-3860 or make an appointment online today.