Plantar Fasciitis Brings Heel Pain - 6 Factors

Plantar Fasciitis can cause severe heel pain. Our podiatrists are heel pain specialists. Make an appointment with Valley Stream Podiatry, at our convenient modern office in Valley Stream, New York, where we can be reached at (516) 825-3860.

Plantar Fasciitis is usually the culprit of heel pain as the plantar fascia ligament joins the heel bone to the toes and provides support for the arch. When this ligament is strained, it becomes frail and inflamed and is known as plantar fasciitis. If there is recurring tension, there can be many small tears that occur in the ligament, causing discomfort and swelling. This condition generally occurs in middle-aged people; although, it can happen in younger individuals such as athletes.

Six factors that tend to increase the chances of acquiring this condition include:

  1. Feet that often roll inwards when walking.

  2. High arches.

  3. Standing for long periods of time.

  4. Obesity.

  5. Wearing improperly fitting shoes.

  6. Tense calf muscles.

Symptoms of this condition include pain on the bottom of the foot that hurts when standing or walking, stiffness when taking the first steps of the day, foot pain that worsens as the day goes on or pain when standing for a long time.

Treatment for this condition includes getting plenty of rest, refraining from walking on hard surfaces, using ice to reduce swelling, using pain killers, physical therapy to stretch the calf when first getting up in the morning, changing shoes when the current pair become worn out, utilizing shoes with proper arch support and using orthotics to redistribute pressure away from the heel. Pain will get reduced over a few weeks; however, it will take much longer to completely go away (up to a year) as the underlying injury results from multiple strains over a period of time.

Our practice, the Valley Stream Podiatry, has many years of experience treating heel pain, heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. Since heel pain can cause severe pain that can impact mobility, our Foot Doctors recommend that you contact us when you begin to feel pain to avoid unnecessary complications.