When Should You See a Podiatrist?

When should you see a podiatrist - Valley Stream Podiatry

Are you still wondering if seeing a podiatrist is the best next step for you to take?

Compared to the other large parts of our bodies, our feet and ankles contain a vast amount of bones, tendons, and ligaments for smaller body parts. Altogether, these bones, tendons, and ligaments do a very big job using an intricate system of parts that, when damaged, can cause issues across our whole bodies. For example, merely allowing the arch of your foot to drop (i.e., flat feet or fallen arches) can negatively impact the alignment of your lower body and spine. This can cause significant discomfort requiring special treatment, like custom orthotics or laser therapy. For foot and ankle issues like this, going to your primary care doctor simply won’t do the trick: you need a specialist. Podiatrists, who sometimes referred to as foot doctors, are doctors that specialize in the medical care and maintenance of our feet and ankles.


  • As specialists, podiatrists have to complete the same initial 8 years of college and medical school as your primary care doctor.

  • The difference between the two is that podiatrists then continue their studies even longer, four years or more, to then become fully-licensed podiatrists ready to practice and treat patients for foot and ankle related problems.

  • In order to practice, a podiatrist must pass both state and national examinations before choosing a state to treat patients.

Not all podiatrists, however, are also surgeons! Our Foot and Ankle Doctors not only diagnoses your foot and ankle issues but can perform the procedures necessary to address the problem. Dr. Andrew Shapiro, Dr. Michael Barkin and Dr. Sajni Shah offer several innovative therapies and services. Valley Stream Podiatry is your best bet to take care of it all. Book an appointment at our podiatry office located in Valley Stream, NY. Call us today at (516) 825-3860 to schedule an appointment!