We Care If You're In Pain
Our goal at Valley Stream Podiatry is to keep you moving, active & pain free
Valley Stream Podiatry speaks with Colorado Health Matters about laser therapy and custom orthotics treatment for heel pain & plantar fasciitis.
Valley Stream Podiatry speaks with ZP TV about diabetic foot care.

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Phenomenal care with one person in mind: YOU
Heel Pain | Plantar Fasciitis | Bone Spurs
Tendonitis | Ankle Sprains | Fractures
Diabetic Foot Care | Wound Care
Foot Deformities
Plantar Warts | Corns | Calluses
Flat Feet
Intoeing (pigeon-toe) | Out-toeing

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Your feet are awesome feats of engineering. However, many people fail to appreciate the wonderful job that their feet and ankles perform every day until they suffer an injury or have some other foot or ankle issue.
Bunions (or bunionettes in the case of the pinky toe) are toe deformities characterized by bony growths and tendon imbalances that push the toes together. While such toe deformities have a hereditary component, they are also exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting shoes like high heels.
The ankle consists of a complex arrangement of bones, ligaments, and other tissues. The considerable stress that the average foot absorbs with each step can cause repetitive stress injuries like hairline fractures. Since ankle pain can radiate from other parts of the foot, you should consult with our Valley Stream Podiatry Foot Doctor to be sure you get the correct diagnosis and treatment.
What is a hammertoe? The hammertoe deformity is characterized by an abnormal bending that usually affects one or more of the middle toes at the middle joint. While the tendency to develop toe deformities has a hereditary influence, this tendency can be exacerbated by wearing tight-fitting shoes like high heels that cause extreme pressure on the front of the foot.
November is American Diabetes Month.
It’s an excellent time to remember that taking proper care of your feet is something we should all pay more attention to, which is especially true for patients who have diabetes.
Excessive pressure and rubbing from your footwear can cause painful blisters to develop on your feet.
SYMPTOMS OF COMMON TOENAIL PROBLEMS - Changing in the color and texture of your toenails can is an early warning sign of toenail problems. Early treatment can help you avoid some of the more undesirable outcomes. Fungal toenail infections can develop slowly and often don't cause any serious issues in the beginning and may go unnoticed.
Due to the extra pressure and often moist environment inside your shoes, painful blisters are a common ailment that can affect your feet. Moisture and rubbing on the insides of your shoes irritate the skin causing redness, swelling, and the appearance of fluid under the skin as your body responds to the irritation.
Gout is a painful arthritic inflammation that often affects the large joints of the ankle and big toe, especially as you get older. The condition is precipitated by an excessive buildup of uric acid in the blood. While having some uric acid in your blood is normal, when the level gets too high, the acid can crystallize out of the blood and into the joints of your extremities, causing severe swelling, pain, and discomfort.
The foot condition called tarsal tunnel syndrome is very similar to the more well-known wrist problem known as carpal tunnel syndrome. In each condition, a nerve is compressed by injury or disease-causing numbness, tingling, and shooting pain. In the case of tarsal tunnel syndrome, the compression affects the posterior tibial nerve that runs through the ankle area and into the foot. Having diabetes, arthritis, flat feet, or a foot or ankle injury can make you more susceptible to developing tarsal tunnel trouble.
Since the peripheral nerve damage that often occurs in patients who have diabetes can disrupt the normal sense of feeling in your feet, even minor injuries like scrapes and blisters can go undetected and quickly progress to a problematic infection. So take good care of your feet and be sure to bring any foot or ankle difficulties to the attention of your podiatrist to help avoid future complications, including possible amputation.
An ankle sprain is a common injury that often happens while participating in sports and exercise, but it can also occur during everyday activities like crossing the street and awkwardly rolling your foot over a curb or accidentally stepping in a pothole (while staring at your phone!). Even a minor ankle sprain can be painful, and it can be difficult to determine the extent of the injury until you have rested the foot.
People tend to have some misconceptions when it comes to the topic of treating a broken toe. As with any painful foot or ankle injury, your best bet is to see your foot doctor for the proper treatment, so the condition doesn’t continue to worsen.
CAUSES OF HEEL SPURS (HEEL PAIN): A heel spur is a protruding growth of calcite deposits that form as your body responds to abnormal rubbing and pressure.
Are you noticing your toes bending? Hammertoe develops slowly and doesn’t often cause trouble until severe bending has occurred and treatment is more complicated. Hammertoe is a toe deformity that affects one or more of the 3 middle toes with a downward bend at the end or middle toe joint. There are conservative treatments that may help straighten them and avoid future non-conservative treatments like toe surgery.
Your arches are composed of a transverse section and two longitudinal sections that combine to cover the bottom of your foot. The interaction of these segments of the arch with the many tendons, muscles, and other foot components leads to many opportunities for arch pain to develop. Fortunately, you can prevent many arch related problems by visiting Valley Stream Podiatry to get evaluated adequately for footwear and custom made orthotic inserts.
A great way to relieve stress while suffering a crisis is to try out some new artistic endeavors. Letting your creative impulses flourish will help take your mind off of your anxieties.
What causing my feet to feel tingling or numbness? Your nervous system provides the sensory and motor information that your muscles and other bodily systems need to operate. When your nerves' function is compromised, it can cause a tingling, burning, and numbing sensation in your extremities, with the feet frequently being affected.
While fungal toenail infections don’t usually cause much pain and discomfort in the early stages, as the problem progresses, the nails will become discolored and brittle, and a foul odor is often emitted as the fungi feed on your skin, oils, and sweat. Early treatment of toenail fungus infections will help prevent the need for complete toenail removal surgery, so be sure to book an appointment with our podiatrists.
Ingrown toenails can develop slowly at first and may not cause any problems until your skin is damaged and bleeding, and the pressure from your shoes pushes the sharp nail further into your skin, causing considerable pain and discomfort. Often you can avoid ingrown toenails by taking some proactive steps to prevent toenails from cutting your tender skin in the first place.
The unique characteristic of sesamoid bones is they do not have a direct connection to other bones. There are also two small free-floating sesamoid bones located in the ball of the foot. They are about the size of a pea and help with toe movement, ambulation, and support.
Having a sensation that your feet are burning is a fairly common occurrence that can be caused by a wide variety of factors. With diseases like diabetes and peripheral artery disease, a burning sensation is often accompanied by numbness and tingling. A skin condition may be the cause, or it could be your feet are tired and achy from working all day.
While having untreated flat feet doesn't cause problems for everyone, flat feet can cause considerable foot and ankle pain for many people. The often-unconscious alteration in foot placement to avoid arch pain can also cause alignment problems and pain with your knees, hips, and back as well. Untreated flat feet can also lead to more instances of hammertoe and bunion formation, so see your foot doctor for the proper care.
One common cause of heel pain, such as from blisters, is wearing poorly fitted footwear and the corresponding rubbing on the heel. Heel pain can also result from arch tears or radiating pain from another foot or ankle injury, so make an appointment with your foot doctor for the proper diagnosis and treatment.
While there are considerable benefits to working out and exercising, all that added stress and pressure increases the chances of getting a foot or ankle injury. Fortunately, by wearing supportive shoes made for the activity, using custom orthotics, and doing some physical therapy exercises for warming up, you can avoid getting injuries in the first place.
Diabetic Foot Care is highly important to preserving feet for those afflicted with diabetes. This disease can cause many problems due to increased blood sugar levels that damage nerves and slow down healing.
Are you still wondering if seeing a podiatrist is the best next step for you to take? Compared to the other large parts of our bodies, our feet and ankles contain a vast amount of bones, tendons, and ligaments for smaller body parts. Altogether, these bones, tendons, and ligaments do a very big job using an intricate system of parts that, when damaged, can cause issues across our whole bodies
ARE YOU A HIGH HEEL ENTHUSTIAST? Don’t worry, no one is here to scold you. As with many things in life, high heels are OK in moderation. This style of shoe is famously known for its leg-lengthening abilities and aesthetic appeal.
A Neuroma is a benign tumor that cultivates from the fibrous outer layers of a nerve, particularly in the foot. It can cause a variety of sensations due to the sporadic nature of an injured nerve, one of which is unfortunately severe discomfort from a pinched nerve in between the toes.
Compared to these examples, there’s a type of foot problem that is caused something internal - a virus!